Wednesday, October 3, 2012

4 A.M.

It's 4am. 3rd day on new medications. I was actually sacked out in bed by 11pm, completely exhausted. I laid there for hours slowly growing more and more hyper. Then my cat suddenly went from sleeping soundly at my side to randomly attacking an imaginary cricket by my pillow. I know it was an imaginary cricket, because he chased a real cricket two nights ago near my bed. I think this was PTSD because last time the cricket jumped at his face when I was trying to kill it. He sat and stared at it, apparently so overcome by shock he was unable to care that the stupid bug he was hunting for over an hour was suddenly in his clutches. Of course, this time, I didn't know his bug was imaginary. So I spent ten minutes searching my bed, clothes, and hair for signs of a bug's life. I was Ripley in Alien. Except she was calmer and more collected. Now I've abandoned the search, not to mention the concept of sleep, and I'm up listening to music, playing games, and updating my blog... Blaise is conked out on the bed again as though none of this happened.

This happened the last time I was on this type of med. Sleeplessness, I mean. Not my cat hallucinating crickets. The doctor said it's an activation effect, and it will go away in time. I actually dig the med. High energy, helps me function... It's just that I can't sleep much, and I'm always way too close to hypo mania. We flirt. It's cute. It probably doesn't help that every med I'm taking is in complete flux. I'm off one med, weening off a second, and starting in on two more. In two months, I'll probably be going off another.

I've been working on a blog about words and hyperbole. It's a mess of garbled thoughts at the moment, like I just picked up two dozen random post-it notes off the floor and declared them my Pensees. I'm hoping to organize it this weekend and post it. Actually, I was hoping to do it tonight, but instead I laughed hysterically at my optimism and posted this random update instead.

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